Bible Core Course (BCC) in Russia!
Part of the school will be in Israel!
Have you read the Bible from cover to cover? Do you want to go deeper in the Word? In the Bible Core Course (BCC) you will read through the entire Bible, while learning how to study it for yourself. Come and encounter God through His Word!
The BCC introduces students to the inductive approach to studying the Bible. An inductive study examines the scriptures using many different resources in order to understand the Bible in a new light. This means leaving behind any preconceived ideas or principles about the scriptures, allowing the true content of God’s word to be revealed. This approach not only helps you with your study of the Bible, but also provides a great foundation for life-long ministry.
During these courses, students will learn how to memorize and meditate on the Bible so they can effectively incorporate God’s word into areas of evangelism, worship and intercession.
Students will also lead Bible study groups and practice their teaching and preaching skills.
The school will be bilingual - English and Russian

Юля, Россия
За время учебы в этой школе я научилась видеть бОльшую картину всего того, что происходило тогда, как это влияет на наше настоящее и будущее. Через это изменилось мое представление о Боге, Его характере и путях. Очень важным для меня стало то, что я научилась отличать свое субъективное мнение от того, чему на самом деле учит Библия, научилась видеть истины, и поняла как можно их применять в жизни.