If you have finished a DTS (Discipleship Training School with YWAM) and have a desire to serve longterm with us in Russia and even beyond - this might be the right place for you! God needs more workers here to share the Good News - in words and deeds! And there are plenty of opportunities here!
If you have not done a DTS yet and feel that God is calling you to Russia - sign up for DTS first!
If you want to join us here for a while (up to three months) you can come as a volunteer. We need helping hands all over the place! (childrens ministry, evangelism, sports ministries, intercession,... be creative)
We also need prayer partners! If you want to receive our bimontly prayer update, let us know!
If you want to support God's ministires here financially, contact us!
If you are thinking about a challenge for your youth group - here we go! We can help facilitate your outreach here in Vladivostok (for DTS's, Churches, individuals).
Contact us for more information!