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Next DTS starts September 15th 2019

DTS -Discipleship Training School

Matthias, Switzerland

"DTS is a place where you allow God to break off old patterns and invest in building a strong foundation!"

Spencer, Canada


DTS was an intense six months of total immersion in God and His plans. It completely changed my outlook on myself and the world.

Julia, Russia


DTS is an opportunity to get to know God as close as never before. This is a time when God speaks to you about who he is, and how he sees you and what a wonderful plan he has prepared for you!  

To be a Christian means to be a follower, a disciple of Christ 24/7. It is an everyday walking with the Lord, going through trials, overcoming difficulties, and still be the salt and the light for this world. DTS creates an athmosphere where people can learn, grow and become more mature in Christ - in order to be ready to serve and share the Gospel all over the world.


The Discipleship Training School is a mission school designed for each student to get to know God more and make Him known.


DTS has three parts - 12 weeks of lectures, 10 weeks of outreach in another culture and one week of debriefing.


Lectures will take place in Vladivostok - one of the most beauteful cities in Russia, a see port filled with variety of cultures, colors and styles.


On outreach will go to countries of South-East Asia. In previous schools we have been to Thailand, China, Cambodia< India and Myanmar. But there are also other countries - Indonesia, Malasia, Vietnam, Laos, Bangladesh and others. During the school we will pray and ask God where is he leading us this time.


During the 23 weeks of DTS the students are encouraged to:

- Develop their relationships with God

- Develop in character and personal identity

- Get to know their talents and personal giftings

- Find their calling in God

- Be trained in intercultural communication


The school is bilingual; all the lectures and assignments are held in two languages - English and Russian.

Elza, Russia


I would describe DTS as a challenge. A challenge to leave behind all that you think you know about yourself and your relationship with God - be ready to be changed forever. The DTS probably won't be the easiest time in your life, but it will bring changes in your priorities, stereotypes and values. DTS is what you need now!

© YWAM Vladivostok 

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